EL PES DEL PLOM (The weight of weapons)
A poetic journey served as a thriller through the weaponry industries.
- Written by Aleix Fauró and Isis Martín
- Directed by Aleix Fauró and Isis Martín
- Sala Beckett 2014 and 2018
A man in his suit in a hot tub. Another man aims at him with a shotgun and wonders whether pulling the trigger will make the world a better place. A woman asks too many questions. Someone is about to come back home. “You’ll never know what you’re just about to break. How much does your pain weight? How long will it take you to drown your own guilt?”.
El pes del plom is a poetical thriller. An approach to the weaponry world and its industries from an Occident perspective. It is the story of four characters who live their lives with their insecurities and fears. Who love and hate. Four characters who cry, dance, laugh, shout and fuck. Four characters who question with each word and every gesture what is our responsibility in this business. How much does our guilt weight?
El pes del plom is not a performance about the war, it is a performance about the lobby of war, about its agents. About the economic interests which make this industry into something “necessary”.
Press mentions
“… mostra d’un teatre compromès i d’interés general”
“Una obra compromesa que ens parla directament a cada espectador amb determinació i poesia.”
“Un viatge d’imatges, colors i emocions que ha de servir per despertar consciències”.
“És un viatge des de la Sala Beckett fins a París, Ghana i Tanzania, que acaba inevitablement apropant-nos a examinar la nostra pròpia consciència”.

Show’s playlist
Show’s podcast
Written by
Aleix Fauró and Isis Martín
Directed by
Aleix Fauró and Isis Martín
Patrícia Bargalló, Isak Férriz, Marina Fita and Carles Gilabert / Jose Pérez-Ocaña
Lighting design
Anna Espunya
Scenic and video design
Ian Gehlhaar
Music and sound design
Cesc X. Mor
Costume design
Mireia Farré
La Virgueria
Anna Miralles
Graphic design
Oscar Llobet
Executive director
Laura Mihon
Movement and coreography
Mar Medina
In a collaboration with:
Fundi Pau
Centre Delàs
Las Producciones de Rupert
Estudio Maravillas
Financial support: