ARBRES (Trees)
“Life doesn’t fit into words.
But back then I didn’t know it.”
- Text by Marc Artigau
- Directed by Aleix Fauró
- Sala Beckett 2014
Awarded by Fundación SGAE for new dramaturgies edition Teatro Autor Exprés
«Somewhere in the forest, Lluna finds herself in the middle of a swirl of scratches and caresses. She endures what seems to be an aggression from her partner. Llorenç, who’s been secretly following her for a long time, is the only witness to this situation. Hiding behind a tree, he sees this scene but runs away in fear. Nervous and breathless, he finally reaches his car but loses control in a curve and crashes… In this point of the story, the lives of all characters will change irrevocably, their identities will begin to mix up. It will be impossible to know who is who. “Look around you. Us two, we are also trees. Maybe we’re rotten, maybe we’re sick. Everything moves here, even if it doesn’t seem so.”»
A forest is somehow like our soul. A labyrinth where we may get lost while enjoying the beauty of the surroundings and the darkness of the path. Trees is a tale from the beginning to the end. A tale told by its protagonists. And some other times it is unveiled from the little things in everyday life. Audience places themselves in a magical forest, hidden behind the trees. Trees is about identity, chance and about how lies are the main tool to live. “There is a hideout in the forest no one knows about. The moonlight shines through the branches there.”
Press mentions
“Arbres és un món molt més intuïtiu, que explora en la soledat, el desig, la part fosca de cadascú.”
“A mig camí entre el conte fantàstic amb insinuacions filosòfiques i el relat d’intriga…”
“La Virgueria fa honor al seu nom amb aquest muntatge.”
“ Arbres es converteix en un valent thriller poètic (…) on el desig i la soledat estiren la corda d’un pont que només el públic pot fer visible.”

Text by
Marc Artigau
Directed by
Aleix Fauró
Direction assistants
Yaiza Ramos / Patrícia Bargalló
Carmela Poch, Norbert Martinez, Isis Martín
Lighting design
Anna Espunya
Scenic design
Margherita Mantovani
Movement and coreography
Patrícia Bargalló
Costume design
Mireia Farré
Anna Miralles
Graphic design
Oscar Llobet
Executive production
Marina Fita
Neus Molina
Rehersal videos
Elena Martín
Promotional videos
Isak Férriz (Las Prod. de Rupert)
La Virgueria
Financial support: