180º DE CEL (180º of sky)
“A race towards freedom”
- Written by Aleix Fauró and Isis Martín
- Directed by Aleix Fauró
- Teatre Tantarantana 2012
“180º de cel begins on the day Angela walks on the beach in Barcelona for the first time in many years. She walks through all the landscapes of a life that begins again. But this time she is carrying an animal over her shoulders. An animal that lives pinned on her skin and won’t let her move on. Angela will strive for freedom while living under constant prejudice. Aiming for the real freedom, the one that will allow her to smile, to walk without fear, to be one more wherever she goes, and to build a happy life.”
180º de cel is a performance about the reinsertion of the incarcerated. It gives a thought on the penitentiary system in Spain, on its effectiveness and usefulness. It is also a show about the world we live in, about the rules it follows and the capacity of the System to reintegrate the people it has expelled. It is also about the capacity to forgive, to turn the page over, and finally to forgive oneself. It is a show about lights and shadows, about tears and smiles.
Press mentions
“La companyia proposa un viatge emocional basat en la poètica del text, els cossos, la música”
“El projecte de la jove companyia de teatre La Virgueria prossegueix amb el mateix vigor que mostra en escena”.
“Aleix Fauró i Isis Martín reivindiquen el teatre-denúncia sense trencar el contacte emocional amb l’espectador.”
“…Final poètic, obert, lliure. Sense tòpic ni solucions fàcils.”
Show’s playlist
Written by
Aleix Fauró and Isis Martín
Directed by
Aleix Fauró
Direction Directed by
Elsa Lluch
Carles Gilabert, Georgina Llauradó, Isis Martín, Joan Picó and Marina Fita
Lightning design
Anna Espunya
Scenic design
Ian Gehlhaar
Costume design
La Virgueria
Lluís Bòria
Sound design
Cesc X Mor
Anna Miralles
Graphic design
Oscar Llobet
Executive production
Marina Fita and Elsa Lluch
Coproducció del CAET and La Virgueria
Mei Colilles, Jordi Miralles, Cristina Aragay, Eugenia Sánchez, Javier Banzo, Marc Fauró, Xavier Mestres, Isabel Latorre, Jordi Peiró, Pepa and Joan, Ruffat, Montse Doroteo, Juanjo and Rosa, Nacho and Marta, Família Picó-Tort, Glòria Seguranyes, Agnès Fauró, Nuri and Toni, Maite Arnó, Forti, Nina Castellà, Joan Gratacos, Ana Aliguer, Marc Iniesta, Etnia Delirem, Lali, M. Àngels Perxas, Néstor Navarro, La família Xula, Cisco and Lola, Giordani’s, Família Padullés-Castelló, Lluís and Isabel, Eva Vela, Carme Vivó, Gabri and Irene, Marisol and Quim, Ferran Laín, Carme Brun, Sebas and Lola, Antoni Roura and Àngels Torrent, Ernest, Jaume and Margarida, Jordi Jansà, Cris Baliarda, Paranoia Teatre and Gisela Oliva.
Thanks to
Pablo Ley, María del Egido, Anna Puigpinós, Jordi de Bes, Gregorio Martínez, Pep Martín, Carles Fauró, Iona Sierra, Fusteria Famara, Fundació ARED, Grup33, Centre Penitenciari Lledoners, Centre Penitenciari Wad-Ras and specially to all women and men who, through Fundació ARED and various penitentiary centers, have have shared their stories to create our performance.
Financial support: