PAISAJE SIN CASAS (A houseless landscape)
“As far as our dreams take us”
- Text by Pablo Ley
- Directed by Aleix Fauró
- Teatre Lliure 2013 and Teatre Eòlia 2012
Award: Marqués de Bradomín 1990
“One of these days I’ll get a car and go as far as the fuel can take me. A landscape without houses. Anyplace. A landscape without men, without women, a landscape without chicks, without beer cans. A place with just one rock where I can sit. Turn myself into a spider. Just waiting. Waiting for things to happen. Simply waiting for time to run out. Under the sun. That is what I will do.”
Paisaje sin casas is a dialogue between two common crooks, two pickpockets, or two junkies who are waiting. Waiting for something. For an exit, for everything to calm down, for drugs to arrive, for the tempest to come. They hope to get out of all this. While waiting for things to happen, they start a conversation with each other. They talk about day and night, about bullshit and light at the end of the tunnel.
About the broken dreams and the dreams yet to be lived, about their fears and their interior worlds. The poetic testimony thatPaisaje sin casas leaves us from the 80’s is of immense value and for this reason, from La Virgueria, we have given birth to a project written in the late 80’s but which had never been staged … Since now.
Press mentions
“Al text de Pablo Ley li agrada supurar imatges. Poètiques i, alhora, brutes, desesperades, buides.”
“L’escenografia de Ian Gehlhaar (…) aconsegueix un ambient lamentable que li va perfecte al text”.
Show’s playlist
Text by
Pablo Ley
Directed by
Aleix Fauró
Direction Directed by
Isis Martín
Carles Gilabert, Eduardo Telletxea and Javier Beltrán
Lighting design
Andreu Romaní
Scenic design
Ian Gehlhaar
Costume design
La Virgueria
La Virgueria
Anna Miralles
Graphic design
Oscar Llobet
Executive director
Marina Fita and Elsa Lluch
Directing assistant
Elena Martín
Financial support: